sábado, 22 de diciembre de 2012

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Nuevo Club Penguin Ropa Catálogo abril 2010 Cheats!

Hola a todos!
Un catálogo de ropa nueva ha de salir hoy, aquí están los trucos:
Rojo / Azul Casco de Viking:
Haga clic en la taza en la mesa a la derecha, abrir y cerrar 4 veces para conseguir el casco de vikingo azul:
Verde Facepaint:
Haga clic en la zona de color rosa debajo del Dancing Girl:
Cacao en traje de conejito:
Haga clic en la "G" en Pingüinos en el Trabajo:
Cacao orejas de conejo:
Haga clic en el árbol Medio sobre la perforación Penguin:
Haga clic en la botella de agua en la mesa para conseguir el sombrero azul deslumbrante
Haga clic en los vidrios al lado del Café para el sombrero de copa
Haga clic en la luz roja de la grabadora de vídeo para el Tux Azul Dazzling
Pom Pom Bufanda:
Haga clic en la parte superior del árbol de la derecha
Spring Dress Purple & La morena:
Haga clic en la parte superior del árbol a la izquierda
Suede Jacket Pastel:
Haga clic en la cima de la montaña Nevado:
Pink Snorkel:
Haga clic en la nariz del muñeco de nieve
Collar de Jade:
Haga clic en el sombrero de copa del muñeco de nieve:
Aletas rosadas:
Haga clic en la cima de la montaña derecha:
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Club Penguin April Fools 2010 Trucos del partido!

Hola a todos!
El partido más tonto y cobarde en Club Penguin ha comenzado hoy con 2 artículos gratis!Uno de ellos es para los socios, y el otro para los no miembros!
Aquí es cómo conseguir el producto sin ningún diputado no, el sombrero de hélice Rojo:
1. Loggin en Club Penguin 
2. Ir a la base 
3. Lanza bolas de nieve a la pintura 
4. Después de haber completado las dos 3 Pinturas, Red Hat Propeller aparecerá:
¡Felicitaciones! Usted ha encontrado el sombrero de hélice roja en Club Penguin!
Aquí es cómo conseguir el artículo Miembros Libre, el sombrero del bufón King:
1. Loggin en Club Penguin 
2. Ir a la nieve Fuertes 
3. Entra en la "A Place tonto" sala de los diputados sólo 
4. Camina hacia la parte superior del sombrero de bufón de rey
5. Say Yes!
Felicitaciones, ahora tiene el sombrero del bufón Rey!
Wow! El Partido es genial! Mi habitación favorito hasta ahora es la Sala de las flechas de giro (Mine Shack)
¿Cuál es tu pieza favorita en esta fiesta? Cuéntanos en un comentario más abajo!
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Club Penguin: Llaveros Puffle y anillos se entregan!

Hola a todos!
Hoy he ido de compras durante mis vacaciones en Londres y encontré Llaveros Club Penguin Puffle y anillos en la tienda!
Aquí hay una foto de la Puffle Negro:
Club Penguin: Llaveros Puffle y anillos de lanzamiento!  Club Penguin
El costo de la Puffle es de 4,5 libras Brittish, no estoy seguro si están fuera en las tiendas de Estados Unidos, sin embargo, ya que siempre están en primer lugar allí.
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Nuevo Club Penguin en inglés revisada por Usted!

La semana pasada, Club Penguin preguntó cuál era el mejor partido que hemos creado, esto es lo " Sparklydo ", dijo:
"El mejor partido que he tenido fue un camping justo en mi iglú! Usted podría dirigir un barco en el océano, en una isla desierta, pero sí que mencionar el mar estaba lleno de tiburones? Usted podría incluso perderse en la woods.There era mucho más, pero yo y mis amigos todo tenía un montón de diversión ! Waddle en Club Penguin! "
Ahora, Club Penguin ¿Le gustaría saber sobre el momento en que usted y sus amigos se fue a explorar, y lo que ha encontrado?
Recuerde que el ganador se llevará 10.000 monedas añadido a su / cuenta Penguin!
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April Fools Day Party Sneek Peek

He aquí un vistazo Sneek del partido próximo que viene a Club Penguin el 1 de abril, el Partido de los inocentes! : D
Personalmente, esta es mi fiesta favorita del año! El Peek Sneek es de la sala de los diputados, donde, según el Estado Mayor del PP, miembros serán capaces de contar sus habilidades Chistes!
Durante la fiesta de los inocentes, todo en la isla se Funky & inundado con las cajas
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Búsqueda de las Trucos etapa de oro Puffle

Estos son los Trucos para la Búsqueda del Juego Puffle Oro en el escenario:
Aquí es cómo conseguir el Crook & Flail:
1. Abra el catálogo de vestuario Trunk 
2. Abrir la primera página del catálogo 
3. Haga clic en el Puffle de Oro:
Por desgracia, sólo había una trampa.
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Pingüino juego Premios Resultados

Hola a todos!
Sadly,the Penguin Play Awards have ended today,and so Aunt Arctic and Cadence can’t be seen on CP Anymore.
And Now,here are the Results of the Penguin Play Awards:
Wow! Quest for the Golden Puffle has won most of the Awards except Best Costume that goes for Shadow Guy & Gamma Gal VS Squidzoid
Here are the Results:
Best Play: Quest for the Golden Puffle
Best Costume: Shadow Guy & Gamma Gal VS Squidzoid
Best Music: Quest for the Golden Puffle
Best Effects: Quest for the Golden Puffle
Best Set: Quest for the Golden Puffle
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Nuevo Club Penguin Igloo Music

Club Penguin added some more Music for your igloo to Party! Check them out:
My favourite one is Recycle! Pretty much a Music for the April Fools Party Next Thursday
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Nuevo club Trucos Pin del pingüino!

Hey ACP!
Today a New Pin has came out on Club Penguin! It is a Cupcake, Here’s How to get it:
1. Login on Club Penguin
2. Open up your map and go to the Ski Village,Then to the Sports Shop
3. Walk over to the Cupcake Pin
4. Say yes!
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Club Penguin: The Official 2010 Aunt Arctic and DJ Cadence Tracker

Note- We are currently working on Self Hosting. Simmer27.com is having problems as well. Stay patient, for the blog shall be fully working soon.
Hey Guys!
Guess what?? Aunt Arctic and DJ Cadance have returned to Club Penguin!! Unfortunetly, they only go on one server at a time. So the Club Penguin World Team has constructed a fantastic tracker that will reveal there locations.
-Note, these trackers are 100% accurate. They update whenever Aunt Arctic changes servers.
Aunt Arctic Tracker:
Status: Online 
Room: Backstage
Server: Summit
Keep Refreshing the Tracker for Aunt Artic’s Status Updates!
DJ Cadence Tracker:
Status: Online
Room: Backstage
Server: Abominable
Continue reading to find out who Aunt Arctic & DJ Cadence are.
Who is Aunt Arctic?
Aunt Arctic is the answers penguins questions in the Club Penguin Time. She Started her journalist carrer in of May 2006. She has appeared at the Penguin Awards to meet all of the penguins that she writes for.
Who is DJ Cadence?
DJ Cadence is the Club Penguin DJ. She first revealed herself at a party a few years ago when the Night Club roof was opened. She is the dancing queen of Club Penguin and normally appears at big events like the Penguin Awards and Music Party.
Other Information that can help you find Aunt Arctic and DJ Cadence.
Aunt Arctic is A Green Penguin with a Pink Flower Hat and Black Sunglasses.
1. Usually Aunt Arctic and Cadence are sorrounded by a group consisting of hundreds of other penguins.
2. Aunt Artic and Cadence mostly goes on populated servers (4 – 5 star servers) so that she can meet the most penguins the fastest.
3. Aunt Artic and Cadences favourite’s servers are Mammoth, Blizzard, and Frozen. Check those servers when looking for her first.
4. You must be a member in order to meet Cadence and Aunt Artic, for they only are backstage at the penguin awards and you must be a member to get there.
5. Aunt Arctic and Cadence can be hard to spot in large crowds. Therefore we suggest opening up the list with every player’s name in the room. Cadence and Aunt Arctics names will be on that list if they are in that room.
7. When you find Aunt Artic or Cadence, open there player card. Then click on the buddy icon and she will give you a free autographed background!
8. Aunt Arctic and Cadene only go on one server at a time.
9. When you spot Cadence or Aunt Arctic, comment on this post to help others find her as well!
10. To join a tracking group, click here and search with the other penguins online!
11. If a room or server is full, there is a very good change that Cadence or Aunt Arctic are in that room.
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Club Penguin Awards Backstage Cheats!

Just Like last year,Member Penguins will be Able to access the Backstage which is located at the Stage! There,you will be able to meet famous Penguins.
There are 2 Free Member Items located at the Backstage & One Free Non Member item located at the dock.
Here’s how to get the Free Video Camera:
1. Loggin on Club Penguin
2. Open your Map and go to the Plaza,then enter the Stage and Backstage
3. Walk over to the Video Cameras
4. Say Yes!
Congratulations,You now have the Free Video Camera!
Here’s how to get the Free Penguin Play Award:
1. Loggin on Club Penguin
2. Open up your Map,then go to the Plaza,then the Stage and the Backstage
3. Walk over to the Penguin Play Awards
4. Say Yes!
Congratulations,you now have the Penguin Play Award!
Here’s how to get the Free Non Member item,the Press Hat:
1. Loggin on Club Penguin
2. Open your Map and go to the Dock
3. Walk over to the Press Hat
4. Say Yes!
Congratulations! You now have the Free Non Member Press hat!
Whats your favourite Part about the New Penguin Play Awards? Let us know in a comment!
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Penguin Play Awards 2010 Cheats!

The Penguin Play Awards have arrived at Club Penguin!
During March 18-29 you will be able to vote for your Favourite Play!
The Options are:
  • Shadow Guy & Gamma Gal vs Squidzoid
  • Quest for the Golden Puffle
  • Ruby & the Ruby
  • Underwater Adventure
  • Fairy Fables
The Categories to vote are:
You can vote at the Booth located in the Plaza
Inside the Stage,there is a Costume Trunk with the Main Costumes of all the Top 5 Plays to vote,Here are the Cheats:
Here’s how to get the Penguin Play Awards Background:
1. Open up the 1st Page of the Catalog
2. Click on the Penguin Play Award
Here’s how to get the Lobster Costume:
1. Open up the 3rd Page of the Catalog
2. Click on the Scoop on the Underwater Adventure Logo
Here’s how to get the Squidzoid Costume:
1. Open up the 4th page of the catalog
2. Click on the “VS” at the Logo
Check this out! The Pizza Parlor Changed its design Completely For the Penguin Play Awards!
May the best Play Win!
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Happy St Patricks Day!

Hola a todos!
We on Club Penguin Cheats World want to wish you a very happy St Patricks Day!
Although Club Penguin didn’t have a Party this year,hopefully there will be one for 2011 : D
For those of you that love St Patricks Day,we’ve Provided a Wallpaper for St Patricks Day with Club Penguin in it!
If you wish to see it,Click the More Tab:
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Club Penguin Free Hard Hat at Cave Expedition!

Here’s how to get the Free Orange Hard Hat for Non Members at the Cave Expedition:
1. Loggin on Club Penguin
2.Open your Map and go Inside the Mine
3.Go in the Cave Expedition Room
4.Walk over to the Top of the Hard hats located in this Picture:
5. Say Yes!
Now you can Dig for the Purple Gem Pin that unlocks the Hidden Lake Room.
This Time aswell you can dig and find Some Coins!
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How to get the Moss Key Pin on Club Penguin Cheats

Here are the Cheats on how to find the Moss Key Pin on Club Penguin:
1. Loggin on Club Penguin
2. Go to the Mine
3.Play Puffle Rescue and Select Black Puffle Level (Only Members)
On the 1st Level,you will see a Squid. Follow it and It will guide you to the Secret Entrance.
Make sure you Pick up the Bubbles when they Pop!
4. The Squid will guide you to other Sector where you will find the Secret Entrance to the Deep Sea Room:
5. Once in the Deep Sea Room,Walk to the Moss Key Pin
6. Say Yes!
Congratulations,You now have the Moss Key Pin and you will be able to access the Deep Sea Room Again!
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New “Puffle Rescue” Game Cheats!

Hola a todos!
The new Game is Finnaly Out! In this game,you will have to rescue Blue,Pink & Black Puffles. Who knows,maybe in the Future it will be more!
Unfortunately 2 out of the 3 Stages are for Members only. The Blue Puffle rescue is for Non Members.
Here’s what the Game looks like on the Mine:
And Here are the Instructions on How to Move & Play the Game:
1. Use the Arrow Keys to Move
2. Jump into Ice Cubes,If you jump into the water you will loose 1 Live
3.To win the Game,you must get to the Puffle/Puffles and come back to where you started
Good Luck!
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New Puffle Rescue Login Screen!

Today CP Updated the New Login screen with an Advertisement for the New Puffle Rescue Game:
Time to Go Rescue those Puffles!
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Club Penguin March 2010 Igloo Furniture Cheats!

Here are the Cheats for the New Furniture Igloo Catalog:
Clover Balloon:
Click on the Tree Stump Top
Clover Garland:
Click on the Wishing Well Highlighted Rock:
Blue Lamp
Click on the Mailbox Opening:
Snowboard Rack
Click on the left Ski Rack

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